Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024

Code Enforcement Violation Records

Pie Allen Neighborhood

If there is a number in the Days Open column on the right, the case is open and beng worked by CE. Some cases
have been transferred to another unit of government or to the courts. Sometimes the status has not been updated.
Listing is limited to most recent 300 cases.

Location of Violation Date
Type Status*Description Code Enforcement
Activity No.
808 E 6th St 10-15-24 Prop Maint Closed - Unfounded Weeds / Referred From Es / Failure To Respond To Weeds Protocol Address Still In Violation CE-VIO1024-04160
330 N 5th Av 10-14-24 Building Closed - Unfounded Cwop / Property Using Property Lot As Paid Parking With Signage On Perimeter Fence Without Permits CE-VIO1024-04120
435 N 4th Av 10-09-24 Zoning Active Zcom : Big Vending Machine In Front Of Del Sol Blocking Half Of The Sidewalk Access CE-VIO1024-04087 53
55 N Park Av 08-05-24 Prop Maint Closed - Resolved Pmmult / Dilapidating Tile Wall In Parking Garage, Exposed Insulation And Electrical Wiring CE-VIO0824-03068
833 E Caddie St 07-24-24 Prop Maint Closed - Resolved Trees : Overhanging Tree Limbs On Street In The Row CE-VIO0724-02895
924 E 9th St 07-24-24 Zoning Active Zres / Diversion Ward 6 / Travel Trailer On Side Of Property Used A Rental Dwelling, CE-VIO0724-02894 130
302 N Euclid Av 07-28-23 Min Housing Active Rmin- Roof Has A Leak, Electrical Is Said To Be Outdated Due To The When The Home Was Manufactured, Its Believed That The Electrical Has Not Been Updated To Current Time. 12-06-2023 Electrical Issues In Home No Ground Wiring Into Home. CE-VIO0723-04809 492

Clicking on the activity number will bring up more information about a particular case.

ActiveNewly opened case where inspection is not yet completed
CitationCase is open, owner has not responded to Notice of Violation therefore a citation has been issued
Closed-ResolvedCompliant with requirements - case closed
Closed-UnfoundedNo valid violation or problem solved before inspection - no further action taken - case closed
ObserveTypically used for cases where the owner is granted time to comply either though an appeal or other administrative extensions where the inspector is not required to inspect every 30 days.
PendingCase opened, violation(s) identified and Notice of Violation has been mailed out. Waiting for compliance.
ReceivedCase opened but not yet assigned for inspection - to better control workloads
ReferredCase sent to other City department

Date Entered - Date a new case was opened by entering complaint information into the computer system. The goal is to open the case within 24 hours of receiving the complaint. Tucson City Code Enforcement Division. Latest code enforcement violations. Index to neighborhoods.

Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org