Updated: Thursday February 13, 2025
If there is a number in the Days Open column on the right, the case is open and beng worked by CE. Some cases
have been transferred to another unit of government or to the courts. Sometimes the status has not been updated.
Listing is limited to most recent 300 cases.
Location of Violation | Date Entered | Type | Status* | Description | Code Enforcement Activity No. | Days Open |
219 E Jacinto St | 02-11-25 | Signs | Received | Sign / Political Signs In Place More Than 15 Days After Election. | CE-VIO0225-00649 | 2 |
2519 N Estrella Av | 02-06-25 | Homeless Camp | Received | Hcamp / Encampment In Southwest Corner Of Property Behind 2513 N Estrella Ave | CE-VIO0225-00563 | 7 |
2617 N 1st Av | 01-21-25 | Building Zoning | Active | Cwop / Outside Patio Used For Occupants And Music With Food Truck No Cofo Causing Nuisance To Neighboring Properties | CE-VIO0125-00310 | 23 |
3165 N Fontana Av | 01-16-25 | Prop Maint | Active | Weeds / Overgrown Weeds On North End Of Property Facing E Fort Lowell. | CE-VIO0125-00244 | 28 |
121 E Laguna St | 01-13-25 | Building | Closed - Unfounded | Rwop : The Parking Lot On The North Side Of Property Has Been Paved | CE-VIO0125-00166 | |
267 E Blacklidge Dr | 12-27-24 | Zoning | Closed - Unfounded | Mult : Sign In The Front Yard That Is Exceeding Proper Height Requirements, Property Runs A Home Based Business | CE-VIO1224-05131 | |
326 E Alturas St | 12-10-24 | Prop Maint | Closed - Resolved | Pmmult : Trash In Front Of Property | CE-VIO1224-04918 | |
183 E Placita Estrella | 12-08-24 | Building | Active | Fire Call | CE-VIO1224-04886 | 67 |
214 E Laguna St | 12-06-24 | Prop Maint | Active | Pmmult / Water Leak From Multiplex Running Into Neighboring Property | CE-VIO1224-04879 | 69 |
2934 N Estrella Av | 12-05-24 | Homeless Camp | Closed - Unfounded | Hcamp / Camps On Property | CE-VIO1224-04860 | |
208 E Kelso St | 12-03-24 | Prop Maint | Closed - Resolved | Pmmult : Mattresses And Weed Trimmings On The Front Of Property | CE-VIO1224-04798 | |
3151 N Los Altos Av | 10-29-24 | Prop Maint | Closed - Resolved | Diversion Ward 3 / Rvac / Vacant Lot With Dilapidated Fence Around Property, Overgrown Dried Vegetation, Illegal Dumping And Jmv'S | CE-VIO1024-04343 | |
3126 N Fontana Av | 10-25-24 | Homeless Camp Property Mai | Active | Hcamp, Active Camp On Site Using Shed. | CE-VIO1024-04311 | 111 |
3119 N 1st Av | 10-24-24 | Zoning | Active | Viva/Peddler | CE-VIO1024-04289 | 112 |
2424 N Fontana Av | 10-15-24 | Prop Maint | Active | Pmmult - Refuse/Debris, Weeds, Possible Jmvs And Overflowing Storage Containers - Ward 3 | CE-VIO1024-04157 | 121 |
3121 N 1st Av | 10-09-24 | Vacant/Nuisance Buildings | Active | Viva | CE-VIO1024-04078 | 127 |
126 E Delano St | 10-02-24 | Building | Closed - Resolved | Crack In The Wall. | CE-VIO1024-03992 | |
2818 N Estrella Av | 09-30-24 | Prop Maint | Active | Refs - The Lot Is Full Of Trash & Human Feces - Ward 3 | CE-VIO0924-03960 | 136 |
2702 N Geronimo Av | 09-26-24 | Prop Maint | Active | Refs / Trash, Refuse And Debris In Front Of Property On Curb | CE-VIO0924-03895 | 140 |
2714 N Geronimo Av | 09-24-24 | Vans Program | Active | Possible Vans - Ward 3 | CE-VIO0924-03868 | 142 |
2433 N Estrella Av | 09-19-24 | Building Homeless Camp P | Active | Tfd: Vacant Property/House Fire. Homeless Activity | CE-VIO0924-03807 | 147 |
2657 N Estrella Av | 08-29-24 | Min Housing | Active | Rmin : Clogged Toilet (No Raw Sewage), Leak In Kitchen, A/C Not Working , Broken Window In Bedroom | CE-VIO0824-03507 | 168 |
3025 N Los Altos Av | 08-29-24 | Min Housing | Active | Rmin / Unit J : Poor Electrical Causing Breaker To Flip | CE-VIO0824-03515 | 168 |
2414 N Fontana Av | 07-11-24 | Building Property Maintena | Active | Tfd - House Fire | CE-VIO0724-02698 | 217 |
505 E Grant Rd | 06-14-24 | Building | Active | Emergency / Ccar / Car Crash Through Building. | CE-VIO0624-02309 | 244 |
267 E Laguna St | 04-19-24 | Zoning | Citation | Zres : Running Landscape Business From Home | CE-VIO0424-01451 | 300 |
401 E Grant Rd | 04-10-24 | Building | Citation | Cwop/ Large And Small Detach Structure With Addition At Northwest Corner Of Property Without Permit. | CE-VIO0424-01307 | 309 |
231 E Water St | 03-15-24 | Prop Maint | Citation | Zres - Possible Business Out Of Home, Rv Possible People Living In It, Lots Of Inoperable Vehicles On Property And A Cart Full Of Debris And Fire Hazard. | CE-VIO0324-01018 | 335 |
2653 N Estrella Av | 01-09-24 | Min Housing | Citation | Rmin / Continuous Leak In Kitchen After Repairs Made Causing Water Damage, Mice And Roach Infestation | CE-VIO0124-00154 | 401 |
246 E Laguna St | 11-09-23 | Prop Maint | Citation | Refs / Damaged Trailer Full Refuse And Debris Items Or Trash Blocking Right Of Way | CE-VIO1123-06432 | 462 |
3119 N 1st Av | 10-17-23 | Min Housing | Citation | Tampered With Meter But Unsuccessful, Currently Running Extension Cord To A Neighbor'S Unit | CE-VIO1023-06074 | 485 |
50 E Delano St | 10-17-23 | Zoning | Citation | Zoning - Vacant Lot Developed Without Prior Approval | CE-VIO1023-06064 | 485 |
3044 N Stone Av | 10-10-23 | Prop Maint | Active | Commercial Property With Electrical, Zoning Violations | CE-VIO1023-05990 | 492 |
124 E Delano St | 09-26-23 | Zoning | Citation | High Priority - Zres- Property Has An Individual Living In An Rv Towards The Back, Visible Off E Delano St. | CE-VIO0923-05769 | 506 |
2535 N Fontana Av | 09-20-23 | Prop Maint | Citation | Mult / Jmv'S Excessive Weeds, Trash, Dilatated Fence, And Vacant Land Next To Home Is Being Used A Trash Dump And Covered In Weeds | CE-VIO0923-05628 | 512 |
456 E Kelso St | 08-10-23 | Prop Maint | Active | Pmmult - Neighbor Has Dead Tree, Abandoned Vehicles, Various Items Left Out In The Front Yard | CE-VIO0823-05030 | 553 |
3026 N Geronimo Av | 06-28-23 | Homeless Camp | Active | Hcamp - Referred To Ce-Vio0724-02729 | CE-VIO0623-04286 | 596 |
3128 N Fontana Av | 03-20-23 | Prop Maint | Citation | Refs / Storing Refuse From Occupational Roofing Business In Shared Driveway | CE-VIO0323-02474 | 696 |
2944 N Geronimo Av | 01-24-23 | Prop Maint | Citation | Rstor / Excessive Garbage And Miscellaneous Items In Front Yard Of House, Visible From The Street | CE-VIO0123-01545 | 751 |
3026 N Geronimo Av | 08-04-22 | Prop Maint | Citation | Refuse, Fence | T22DV04435 | 924 |
Clicking on the activity number will bring up more information about a particular case. | ||
*Status | Description | |
Active | Newly opened case where inspection is not yet completed | |
Citation | Case is open, owner has not responded to Notice of Violation therefore a citation has been issued | |
Closed-Resolved | Compliant with requirements - case closed | |
Closed-Unfounded | No valid violation or problem solved before inspection - no further action taken - case closed | |
Observe | Typically used for cases where the owner is granted time to comply either though an appeal or other administrative extensions where the inspector is not required to inspect every 30 days. | |
Pending | Case opened, violation(s) identified and Notice of Violation has been mailed out. Waiting for compliance. | |
Received | Case opened but not yet assigned for inspection - to better control workloads | |
Referred | Case sent to other City department | |
Date Entered - Date a new case was opened by entering complaint information into the computer system. The goal is to open the case within 24 hours of receiving the complaint. Tucson City Code Enforcement Division. Latest code enforcement violations. Index to neighborhoods. |
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org |