Updated: Sunday November 10, 2024

Code Enforcement Violation Records

Keeling Neighborhood

If there is a number in the Days Open column on the right, the case is open and beng worked by CE. Some cases
have been transferred to another unit of government or to the courts. Sometimes the status has not been updated.
Listing is limited to most recent 300 cases.

Location of Violation Date
Type Status*Description Code Enforcement
Activity No.
2704 N Geronimo Av 11-07-24 Building Homeless Camp Active Vacant Hse No Electricity Squatter Inside. CE-VIO1124-04441 3
3151 N Los Altos Av 10-29-24 Prop Maint Received Diversion Ward 3 / Rvac / Vacant Lot With Dilapidated Fence Around Property, Overgrown Dried Vegetation, Illegal Dumping And Jmv'S CE-VIO1024-04343 12
3126 N Fontana Av 10-25-24 Homeless Camp Property Mai Active Hcamp, Active Camp On Site Using Shed. CE-VIO1024-04311 16
3119 N 1st Av 10-24-24 Zoning Received Viva/Peddler CE-VIO1024-04289 17
613 E Delano St 10-23-24 Prop Maint Vacan Active Viva- Unsecured Building, Graffiti On The Building, Feces And Trash. CE-VIO1024-04281 18
2726 N York Pl 10-22-24 Prop Maint Received Refs / Trash And Refuse In Front Of Property CE-VIO1024-04259 19
2721 N Incas Pl 10-21-24 Prop Maint Referred Jmv / Refer To Tpd West / Silver Saturn Suv On Jack Stand And Has Flat Tires CE-VIO1024-04249
2424 N Fontana Av 10-15-24 Prop Maint Active Pmmult - Refuse/Debris, Weeds, Possible Jmvs And Overflowing Storage Containers - Ward 3 CE-VIO1024-04157 26
3121 N 1st Av 10-09-24 Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Active Viva CE-VIO1024-04078 32
21 E Alturas St 10-07-24 Prop Maint Active Pmmult : Excessive Outdoor Storage And Dilapidated Fence CE-VIO1024-04042 34
47 E Alturas St 10-07-24 Prop Maint Active Dilap : Dilapidated Brown Wooden Fence CE-VIO1024-04044 34
126 E Delano St 10-02-24 Building Active Crack In The Wall. CE-VIO1024-03992 39
2818 N Estrella Av 09-30-24 Prop Maint Active Refs - The Lot Is Full Of Trash & Human Feces - Ward 3 CE-VIO0924-03960 41
2702 N Geronimo Av 09-26-24 Prop Maint Active Refs / Trash, Refuse And Debris In Front Of Property On Curb CE-VIO0924-03895 45
2714 N Fontana Av 09-25-24 Prop Maint Active Pmmult : Excessive Trash In The Front Yard And Overgroown Weeds CE-VIO0924-03888 46
2714 N Geronimo Av 09-24-24 Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Active Possible Vans - Ward 3 CE-VIO0924-03868 47
2433 N Estrella Av 09-19-24 Building Homeless Camp P Active Tfd: Vacant Property/House Fire. Homeless Activity CE-VIO0924-03807 52
2657 N Estrella Av 08-29-24 Min Housing Active Rmin : Clogged Toilet (No Raw Sewage), Leak In Kitchen, A/C Not Working , Broken Window In Bedroom CE-VIO0824-03507 73
3025 N Los Altos Av 08-29-24 Min Housing Active Rmin / Unit J : Poor Electrical Causing Breaker To Flip CE-VIO0824-03515 73
115 E Alturas St 08-28-24 Min Housing Active Rmin / Unit 1 / Crossed Wires In Unit, Backed Up Plumbing CE-VIO0824-03487 74
202 E Glenn St 08-23-24 Prop Maint Closed - Unfounded Refs / Trash And Refuse In Corner Of Property E Glenn St And N Estrella Ave CE-VIO0824-03424
2502 N Estrella Av 08-08-24 Prop Maint Closed - Resolved Trees : Dead Tree In Front Of Property CE-VIO0824-03174
2750 N Incas Pl 07-31-24 Prop Maint Active Rstor / Excessive Outside Storage In Carport, Turquoise Ford Expedition Parked In Front Off House. No License Plate, Flat Tire, Full With Refuse And Debris CE-VIO0724-02995 102
2744 N Hopi Pl 07-28-24 Building Closed - Resolved House Fire CE-VIO0724-02935
2803 N Geronimo Av 07-25-24 Prop Maint Active Pmmult : Tree Roots Coming Out Of Ground And Lifting Sidewalk CE-VIO0724-02917 108
3026 N Geronimo Av 07-15-24 Homeless Camp Closed - Resolved Hcamp CE-VIO0724-02729
2414 N Fontana Av 07-11-24 Building Property Maintena Active Tfd - House Fire CE-VIO0724-02698 122
2934 N Los Altos Av 06-24-24 Prop Maint Closed - Resolved Mult / High Weeds And Overgrown Vegetation In Front Of Property With Rv CE-VIO0624-02406
505 E Grant Rd 06-14-24 Building Active Emergency / Ccar / Car Crash Through Building. CE-VIO0624-02309 149
401 E Grant Rd 04-10-24 Building Active Cwop/ Large And Small Detach Structure With Addition At Northwest Corner Of Property Without Permit. CE-VIO0424-01307 214
214 E Kelso St 11-23-23 Building Active Tfd - Hse Fire CE-VIO1123-06601 353
212 E Blacklidge Dr 11-18-23 Prop Maint Active Pmmult- Trash And Items In Font Of House And On Side Of Driveway CE-VIO1123-06539 358
246 E Laguna St 11-09-23 Prop Maint Active Refs / Damaged Trailer Full Refuse And Debris Items Or Trash Blocking Right Of Way CE-VIO1123-06432 367
3119 N 1st Av 10-17-23 Min Housing Active Tampered With Meter But Unsuccessful, Currently Running Extension Cord To A Neighbor'S Unit CE-VIO1023-06074 390
3044 N Stone Av 10-10-23 Prop Maint Active Commercial Property With Electrical, Zoning Violations CE-VIO1023-05990 397
456 E Kelso St 08-10-23 Prop Maint Active Pmmult - Neighbor Has Dead Tree, Abandoned Vehicles, Various Items Left Out In The Front Yard CE-VIO0823-05030 458
3026 N Geronimo Av 06-28-23 Homeless Camp Active Hcamp - Referred To Ce-Vio0724-02729 CE-VIO0623-04286 501

Clicking on the activity number will bring up more information about a particular case.

ActiveNewly opened case where inspection is not yet completed
CitationCase is open, owner has not responded to Notice of Violation therefore a citation has been issued
Closed-ResolvedCompliant with requirements - case closed
Closed-UnfoundedNo valid violation or problem solved before inspection - no further action taken - case closed
ObserveTypically used for cases where the owner is granted time to comply either though an appeal or other administrative extensions where the inspector is not required to inspect every 30 days.
PendingCase opened, violation(s) identified and Notice of Violation has been mailed out. Waiting for compliance.
ReceivedCase opened but not yet assigned for inspection - to better control workloads
ReferredCase sent to other City department

Date Entered - Date a new case was opened by entering complaint information into the computer system. The goal is to open the case within 24 hours of receiving the complaint. Tucson City Code Enforcement Division. Latest code enforcement violations. Index to neighborhoods.

Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org