Updated: Thursday February 13, 2025

Code Enforcement Violation Records

Broadway Northeast Neighborhood

If there is a number in the Days Open column on the right, the case is open and beng worked by CE. Some cases
have been transferred to another unit of government or to the courts. Sometimes the status has not been updated.
Listing is limited to most recent 300 cases.

Location of Violation Date
Type Status*Description Code Enforcement
Activity No.
7461 E Calle Managua 11-12-24 Prop Maint Active Pmmult : Overgrown Vegetation Along The Properties Side Of The Alley CE-VIO1124-04484 93
7321 E Calle Managua 04-24-24 Building Active Rwop / Installed 6' Corrugated Fence In Front And Westside Of Property To Back Fence To Alley Without Permit CE-VIO0424-01489 295
7321 E Calle Managua 03-28-23 Prop Maint Citation Refs / Construction Debris On Property In Front To Back And Back Of Alley >11-14-2023 Property Hasn'T Made Any Changes Of Clean Up And Allowing Homeless To Live At Location, 15-20 Living Inside With Hcamps Setup In Back Of Property In Alley, Lots Of Trash And Debris In Alley 11-21-2023 Illegal Structure Built On Side Of Yard. Is Housing 8-10 Homeless People In Back Yard And Alleyway. They Are Urinating/Defecating In Alleyway. There Is Drug Use/Dealing Going On Daily. Thefts Occurring In Neighboring Yards. Inoperable Vehicle That Has Been There For 6+ Months. Trash Impeding In Neighbors Property To Include Numerous Shopping Carts And Other Trash CE-VIO0323-02624 688
7322 E Calle Managua 12-12-22 Building Active Steel Carport In The Front Driveway CE-VIO1222-00918 794
7321 E Calle Managua 06-11-21 Building Citation Multiple Weeds And Growth In Both Back And Front Yardsextending To Alleyway Where Tenants Truck Is Usually Parked Partiallyblocking Alleyway.On West Side Of House , Attempted, Unpermitted Structureattached To Both House & Fence Inside Dryer W/O Vent. W. Side Of Structurew/O Heat Or Cooling. Hall Closet Containing Illegal/Uncoded Wiring.Added 6/15/21 Animal Feces/Urine Throughout House Unsanitary & Unsafe Livingconditions. Mildew, Mold, Spores & Excessive Pollutants Throughout.Adding A Living Structure To Side Of Home8/18/21: Additional Complaint Via Web For Excessive Growth Of Grass And Weeds.10/21/21 Vehicles And Building Materials Stored On My Property. Numerouscode Violations. No Permits. T21DV03618 1343

Clicking on the activity number will bring up more information about a particular case.

ActiveNewly opened case where inspection is not yet completed
CitationCase is open, owner has not responded to Notice of Violation therefore a citation has been issued
Closed-ResolvedCompliant with requirements - case closed
Closed-UnfoundedNo valid violation or problem solved before inspection - no further action taken - case closed
ObserveTypically used for cases where the owner is granted time to comply either though an appeal or other administrative extensions where the inspector is not required to inspect every 30 days.
PendingCase opened, violation(s) identified and Notice of Violation has been mailed out. Waiting for compliance.
ReceivedCase opened but not yet assigned for inspection - to better control workloads
ReferredCase sent to other City department

Date Entered - Date a new case was opened by entering complaint information into the computer system. The goal is to open the case within 24 hours of receiving the complaint. Tucson City Code Enforcement Division. Latest code enforcement violations. Index to neighborhoods.

Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org