Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024
Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time
Location of Incident | Date Reported | Time Reported |
Event Initiated As | Officer Cleared Incident As |
Reference Number |
2900 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD | 11-24 | 1038 | Check Welfare | 2411240066 | |
2900 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD | 11-20 | 0109 | Unwanted Person/Trespasser | E243250039 | |
2500 BLK E KLEINDALE RD | 11-19 | 1620 | Dv Brewing | E243240913 | |
2900 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD | 11-16 | 0609 | Crime Scene Unit Event | E243210936 | |
2900 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD | 11-02 | 0402 | Unwanted Person/Trespasser | E243070188 | |
3400 BLK N FORGEUS AV | 10-31 | 2034 | Theft Callback | E243051344 | |
2900 BLK E KLEINDALE RD | 10-28 | 1839 | Suspicious Activity | E243021096 |
About this listing | W = web-online reported | Crime Incident |
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org |