Updated: Thursday February 13, 2025

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Barrio Santa Rosa Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
1000 BLK S 10TH AV   02-11  0809  Special Check Activity 2502110061
1000 BLK S 10TH AV   02-10  0832  Vandalism 2502100071
400 BLK W ARMIJO ST   02-09  1405  Dv Brewing E250400567
S 10TH AVE / W 22ND ST   02-09  0424  Person Slumped Over Driving Under The Influence - Non-Accident 2502090032
W 22ND ST & S HERNDON AV   02-08  2303  Racing Vehicles E250391371
400 BLK W 19TH ST   02-08  2053  Burglary E250391209
500 BLK W 21ST ST   02-07  1644  Neighbor Problem E250381047
1000 BLK S 7TH AV   02-07  1609  Check Welfare E250380979
500 BLK W 21ST ST   02-07  1057  Reckless Driving E250380554
500 BLK W 21ST ST   02-07  1057  311 Atl Requests E250380555
S 10TH AV & W 22ND ST   02-06  2141  Dv Parties Separated E250371362
E 19TH ST & S 6TH AV   02-06  1659  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250371033
800 BLK S 6TH AV   02-06  1411  Request For Police E250370819
800 BLK S 6TH AV   02-06  1349  Check Welfare E250370759
W 20TH ST & S OSBORNE AV   02-06  1111  Crime Scene Unit Event E250370592
W 20TH ST / S OSBORNE AVE   02-06  1111  Cardiac Arrest - Unc And Not Criminal Homicide - Murder 2502060085
W 22ND ST & S 10TH AV   02-05  0829  Reckless Driving E250360260
W 22ND ST & S FREEWAY   02-04  2040  Accident Callback E250351291
900 BLK S 7TH AV   02-04  1409  Non-Verified Alarm E250350582
1000 BLK S MEYER AV   02-04  0745  Non-Verified Alarm E250350249
800 BLK S 6TH AV   02-04  0118  Flag Down E250350060
W 22ND ST / S 10TH AVE   02-03  1325  Aggravated Assault - Peace Officer (Non-Serious 2502030130
W 22ND ST & S 10TH AV   02-03  1236  Traffic Hazard 2502030124
900 BLK S OSBORNE AV   02-02  1618  Illegal Parking E250330813
W 22ND ST & S OSBORNE AV   02-02  1533  Illegal Parking E250330749
800 BLK S 9TH AV   02-02  1436  Dv In Progress 2502020101
600 BLK W 18TH ST   02-02  1416  Illegal Parking E250330657
600 BLK W 18TH ST   02-02  1258  Illegal Parking E250330577
W 22ND ST & S 10TH AV   02-01  1343  Traffic Hazard E250320550
E 19TH ST & S 6TH AV   02-01  1149  Traffic Hazard E250320441
400 BLK W 22ND ST   02-01  0144  Theft In Progress E250320095
W 21ST ST & S OSBORNE AV   01-31  0613  Special Check Activity E250310163
1100 BLK S 10TH AV   01-31  0050  Racing Vehicles E250310033
S FREEWAY / W 22ND ST   01-30  1445  Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned Traffic Accident Property Damage - With Another 2501300133
W 21ST ST & S OSBORNE AV   01-30  0826  Special Check Activity E250300262
800 BLK S 10TH AV   01-29  2203  Gps Capable E250291232
900 BLK SOUTH 10TH AVENUE   01-29  2156 W On sight Larceny - From Motor Vehicle (Except 05) 2501298534
W 22ND ST & S FREEWAY   01-29  0954  Traffic Hazard E250290321
400 BLK W CALLE POSADAS   01-28  1801  Criminal Damage - Intentional Vandalism (Dv) 2501280204
W 22ND ST / S 10TH AVE   01-28  1403  Wanted Person/Warrant Service Arrest For Other Jurisdiction - Misdemeanor Crim 2501280152
S 10TH AV & W 22ND ST   01-27  0815  Accident Callback E250270256
W 22ND ST & S FREEWAY   01-25  1320  Check Welfare E250250603
W 18TH ST & S OSBORNE AV   01-24  1313  Theft Callback E250240539
W 22ND ST / I-10   01-24  1239  Mva - Injury Accident: Injury Traffic Accident Injury - With Another Motor Veh 2501240080
400 BLK WEST ARMIJO STREET   01-24  0949  Dv In Progress Public Assist - Check Welfare 2501240055
S FREEWAY & W 22ND ST   01-21  0936  Traffic Hazard E250210344
400 BLK W 22ND ST   01-19  2033  Racing Vehicles E250191111
500 BLK W 21ST ST   01-19  1335  Dv In Progress E250190633
W 22ND ST / I-10   01-17  2210  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2501170203
W 22ND ST & S OSBORNE AV   01-17  0729  Field Interview/Veh Occ E250170214
800 BLK S 10TH AV   01-15  1140  Neighborhood Preservation/Jun E250150520
S OSBORNE AV & W 22ND ST   01-15  1100  Substance Use Deflection/Acti E250150464
900 BLK S 6TH AV   01-14  1851  Request For Police E250141118
500 BLK W 18TH ST   01-14  1626  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250140900
800 BLK S MAIN AV   01-14  1144  Suspicious Activity E250140482
900 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   01-11  1928 W On sight Other Offenses - Other Misdemeanors 2501118518
800 BLK S 6TH AV   01-11  1147  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250110359
1000 BLK S 10TH AV   01-08  0832  Found Gun E250080295
600 BLK W 22ND ST   01-07  1519  Mva - Injury Accident: Injury Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2501070148
1100 BLK S 11TH AV   01-07  1145  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250070467
500 BLK WEST 21ST STREET   01-06  2200  Dv In Progress Other Assaults - No Injury (Dv) 2501060208
E 18TH ST & S 6TH AV   01-02  2127  Armed Robbery Or By Force E250021174
400 BLK W CALLE POSADAS   01-02  1723  Offenses Against The Family - Physical Abuse 2501020192
1100 BLK S 7TH AV   01-01  2306  Fight Callback E250011370
S OSBORNE AV & W 19TH ST   01-01  1412  Health Welfare Morals E250010808
0 WEST 19TH STREET   12-31  1537  Found Person Vulnerable Public Assist - Check Welfare 2412310125

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org
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