Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Barrio San Antonio Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
1200 BLK EAST 15TH STREET   11-27  1538 W On sight Criminal Damage - Intentional Vandalism 2411278532
1200 BLK E 15TH ST   11-27  0144  Non-Verified Alarm E243320058
600 BLK SOUTH CURTIS AVENUE   11-26  1532  Sexual Assault/Rape Sex Offenses - Child Molesting 2411260170
E WINSETT ST & S KINO PW   11-22  0347  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243270111
600 BLK SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE   11-20  0908 W On sight Suspicious Activty - Other 2411208507
500 BLK SOUTH CHERRY AVENUE   11-15  1617  Assault - Minor Injury (Dv) 2411150168
S PARK AV & E MILES ST   11-10  1422  Cardiac Arrest - Unc And Not E243150624
S KINO PW & E WINSETT ST   11-08  1727  Request For Police E243131052
E AVIATION PKWY / S KINO PKWY   11-06  1018  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2411060065
900 BLK S KINO PW   11-02  0754  Traffic Hazard E243070281
900 BLK S KINO PW   11-02  0754  Request For 311 City Services E243070282
E AVIATION PKWY / S KINO PKWY   10-30  1509  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2410300126
E AVIATION PKWY / S KINO PKWY   10-30  1434  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2410300120
E AVIATION PKWY / S KINO PKWY   10-29  1621  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2410290171
E AVIATION PKWY / S KINO PKWY   10-29  1450  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2410290152
E AVIATION PKWY / S KINO PKWY   10-29  1436  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2410290148
S KINO PKWY / AVIATION HWY   10-19  1831  Stalled Vehicle Public Hazard - Traffic 2410190134

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org