Updated: Monday December 9, 2024
Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time
Location of Incident | Date Reported | Time Reported |
Event Initiated As | Officer Cleared Incident As |
Reference Number |
1100 BLK E 10TH ST | 12-08 | 1519 | Suspicious Activity | E243430763 | |
1700 BLK E 7TH ST | 12-07 | 0006 | Loud Party | E243420006 | |
E 8TH ST & N SANTA RITA AV | 12-06 | 0730 | Vandalism | 2412060031 | |
1600 BLK E 9TH ST | 12-06 | 0033 | Check Welfare | E243410028 | |
1200 BLK E 10TH ST | 12-05 | 1718 | Suicidal With A Weapon | 2412050141 | |
1600 BLK E 6TH ST | 12-05 | 1622 | Fight In Progress | E243400889 | |
1100 BLK E 7TH ST | 12-04 | 2348 | Gta Located/Returned | E243391281 | |
1000 BLK E 9TH ST | 12-03 | 2011 | Illegal Parking | E243381236 | |
1000 BLK EAST BROADWAY BOULEVARD | 12-03 | 1129 | Suspicious Activity | Criminal Damage - Malicious Mischief | 2412030103 |
1700 BLK E 9TH ST | 12-02 | 2131 | Dv Brewing | E243371253 | |
400 BLK N FREMONT AV | 12-02 | 1854 | Aggravated Assault | E243371087 | |
100 BLK N PARK AV | 12-01 | 1053 | Sexual Assault/Forcible Rape | 9007200768 | |
1200 BLK E BROADWAY BL | 12-01 | 0946 | Non-Verified Alarm | E243360359 | |
1100 BLK E 9TH ST | 12-01 | 0318 | Argument | E243360181 | |
1700 BLK E 6TH ST | 11-30 | 1346 | Unwanted Person/Trespasser | E243350586 | |
1000 BLK EAST 6TH STREET | 11-30 | 1246 | Shots Fired | Criminal Damage - Intentional Vandalism | 2411300089 |
N CAMPBELL AVE / E 8TH ST | 11-30 | 0008 | Wrong Way Traffic | Driving Under The Influence - Non-Accident | 2411300010 |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-29 | 1918 | Fight In Progress | E243341086 | |
S KINO PW & E BROADWAY BL | 11-27 | 0945 | 311 Atl Requests | E243320389 | |
S KINO PW & E BROADWAY BL | 11-27 | 0945 | Reckless Driving | E243320388 | |
1600 BLK E 8TH ST | 11-27 | 0932 | Check Welfare | E243320367 | |
1400 BLK EAST 8TH STREET | 11-26 | 1659 | Dv Brewing | Other Assaults - No Injury (Dv) | 2411260191 |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-26 | 0911 | Fraud/Property Callback | E243310316 | |
E 6TH ST & N SANTA RITA AV | 11-25 | 1126 | Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned | E243300547 | |
N CAMPBELL AV & E BROADWAY BL | 11-25 | 1029 | Health Welfare Morals | E243300463 | |
E 6TH ST & N SANTA RITA AV | 11-24 | 0059 | Impaired Driver | E243290065 | |
N SANTA RITA AVE / E 9TH ST | 11-24 | 0054 | Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned | Other Offenses - Other Misdemeanors | 2411240011 |
1100 BLK E 8TH ST | 11-23 | 0254 | Loud Party | E243280122 | |
E BROADWAY BLVD / N PARK AVE | 11-23 | 0038 | Driving Under The Influence - Non-Accident | 2411230008 | |
E BROADWAY BLVD / N FREMONT AVE | 11-22 | 2229 | Driving Under The Influence - Non-Accident | 2411220258 | |
E BROADWAY BLVD / N CHERRY AVE | 11-22 | 2159 | Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - | 2411220246 | |
1600 BLK E 6TH ST | 11-22 | 2135 | Request For Police | E243271282 | |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-22 | 1757 | Reckless Driving | E243270993 | |
1800 BLK E 6TH ST | 11-22 | 1312 | Person With A Weapon | 2411220144 | |
1600 BLK E 9TH ST | 11-22 | 1036 | Court Order Callback | E243270373 | |
1100 BLK E 6TH ST | 11-21 | 1914 | Agency Assist | E243261102 | |
1600 BLK E 6TH ST | 11-21 | 0136 | Unwanted Person/Trespasser | E243260063 | |
N SANTA RITA AV & E 8TH ST | 11-21 | 0049 | Shots Heard | E243260035 | |
E 9TH ST / N SANTA RITA AVE | 11-21 | 0042 | Shots Heard | Public Assist - Check Welfare | 2411210008 |
300 BLK NORTH VINE AVENUE | 11-20 | 2218 | Vandalism | Civil Matter - Preserve The Peace | 2411210023 |
300 BLK N FREMONT AV | 11-18 | 2232 | 311 Atl Requests | E243231250 | |
300 BLK N FREMONT AV | 11-18 | 2231 | Grand Theft Auto | 2411180216 | |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-18 | 1729 | Reckless Driving | E243230943 | |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-18 | 1729 | 311 Atl Requests | E243230944 | |
1200 BLK E BROADWAY BL | 11-17 | 2312 | Non-Verified Alarm | E243221190 | |
E 9TH ST & N CHERRY AV | 11-17 | 1728 | Gta Located/Returned | E243220830 | |
1100 BLK EAST 10TH STREET | 11-17 | 1012 | Dv In Progress | Other Offenses - Other Felonies | 2411170064 |
E BROADWAY BLVD / N CHERRY AVE | 11-17 | 0204 | Driving Under The Influence - Non-Accident | 2411170016 | |
E 8TH ST & N MARTIN AV | 11-16 | 1930 | Overdue Person | E243211055 | |
1200 BLK E BROADWAY BL | 11-16 | 1855 | Non-Verified Alarm | E243210995 | |
E 9TH ST & N SANTA RITA AV | 11-16 | 1659 | Check Welfare | E243210846 | |
1600 BLK EAST 9TH STREET | 11-16 | 0756 | Larceny - All Other | 2411260042 | |
1600 BLK E 9TH ST | 11-16 | 0756 | Fight Callback | E243210272 | |
1200 BLK E BROADWAY BL | 11-16 | 0141 | Non-Verified Alarm | E243210078 | |
1500 BLK EAST 9TH STREET | 11-15 | 2351 | Loud Party | Disorderly Conduct - Red Tag Issued | 2411180112 |
1500 BLK E 8TH ST | 11-15 | 2338 | Non-Verified Alarm | E243201488 | |
N HIGHLAND AV & E 6TH ST | 11-15 | 1609 | Mva - High-Risk: Unc/Resp Dis | 2411150167 | |
1600 BLK EAST 9TH STREET | 11-15 | 1515 W | On sight | Civil Matter - Other | 2411158533 |
1600 BLK EAST 9TH STREET | 11-15 | 1434 W | On sight | Civil Matter - Other | 2411158529 |
100 BLK NORTH CHERRY AVENUE | 11-15 | 1240 | Grand Theft Auto | Motor Vehicle Theft - Stolen And/Or Recovered Ve | 2411150092 |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-15 | 1048 | Reckless Driving | E243200464 | |
100 BLK N CHERRY AV | 11-15 | 0827 | Grand Theft Auto | E243200272 | |
1700 BLK EAST 7TH STREET | 11-15 | 0219 | Loud Party | Disorderly Conduct - Disturbing The Peace | 2411150011 |
1700 BLK E 7TH ST | 11-15 | 0129 | Loud Party | E243200045 | |
1800 BLK E BROADWAY BL | 11-14 | 0445 | Non-Verified Alarm | E243190110 | |
300 BLK N VINE AV | 11-13 | 2107 | Burglary-Interior Not Checked | E243181252 | |
1000 BLK E 10TH ST | 11-13 | 1454 | 911 Open Line From A Landline | E243180806 | |
0 NORTH MARTIN AVENUE | 11-13 | 1218 | Dv In Progress | Assault - Minor Injury (Dv) | 2411130112 |
1100 BLK E 8TH ST | 11-13 | 0945 | Preserve The Peace | E243180376 | |
1700 BLK E 7TH ST | 11-12 | 1053 | Non-Verified Alarm | E243170524 | |
N MOUNTAIN AVE / E BROADWAY BLVD | 11-12 | 0937 | Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - | 2411120071 | |
200 BLK NORTH WARREN AVENUE | 11-12 | 0936 | Attempted Grand Theft Auto | Motor Vehicle Theft - Stolen And/Or Recovered Ve | 2411120090 |
1100 BLK E 8TH ST | 11-11 | 0528 | Suspicious Activity | E243160190 | |
1500 BLK EAST 8TH STREET | 11-09 | 0636 | Check Welfare | Mental Health - Transported To Treatment Facilit | 2411090041 |
1700 BLK EAST 7TH STREET | 11-09 | 0146 | Disorderly Conduct - Red Tag Issued | 2411180111 | |
1700 BLK E 7TH ST | 11-09 | 0146 | Loud Party | E243140084 | |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-08 | 1425 | Unknown Injuries | 2411080146 | |
E 6TH ST & N PARK AV | 11-08 | 0900 | Government Vehicle/Property | E243130317 | |
E 6TH ST & N MOUNTAIN AV | 11-08 | 0851 | Request For Police | 2411080052 | |
1300 BLK EAST 6TH STREET | 11-07 | 1333 | Health Welfare Morals | Sex Offenses - Other (Adultery Incest Statutory | 2411070138 |
300 BLK N CHERRY AV | 11-07 | 0047 | Burglary In Progess | E243120023 | |
1600 BLK E 8TH ST | 11-06 | 0004 | Loud Party | E243110005 | |
N CHERRY AVE / E BROADWAY BLVD | 11-05 | 2139 | Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - | 2411050192 | |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-05 | 2053 | Reckless Driving | E243101241 | |
E BROADWAY BL & N CAMPBELL AV | 11-05 | 2053 | 311 Atl Requests | E243101242 | |
1100 BLK E 7TH ST | 11-05 | 0851 | Red Tag Issued | 2411050042 | |
E 9TH ST / N PARK AVE | 11-04 | 2358 | Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - | 2411050001 | |
1300 BLK E 10TH ST | 11-04 | 1606 | 311 Atl Requests | E243090939 | |
1300 BLK EAST 10TH STREET | 11-04 | 1605 | Missing Person Vulnerable | Runaway Juvenile - From Parent Or Guardian | 2411040214 |
1300 BLK EAST 6TH STREET | 11-04 | 1001 | Fight In Progress | Other Assaults - No Injury | 2411040081 |
1000 BLK EAST 7TH STREET | 11-03 | 2025 W | On sight | Suspicious Activty - Other | 2411038525 |
E BROADWAY BL & S KINO PW | 11-02 | 2314 | Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned | 2411020199 | |
1600 BLK E 8TH ST | 11-02 | 2313 | Argument | E243071319 | |
200 BLK N HIGHLAND AV | 11-02 | 1736 | Check Welfare | E243070917 | |
1600 BLK E 6TH ST | 11-02 | 0347 | Unwanted Person/Trespasser | E243070177 | |
1700 BLK E 7TH ST | 11-01 | 2226 | Loud Party | E243061444 | |
1100 BLK EAST 10TH STREET | 11-01 | 1600 | Fight-Weapons Involved | Disorderly Conduct - Disturbing The Peace (Dv) | 2411010181 |
1300 BLK EAST 10TH STREET | 11-01 | 1551 | Illegal Parking | Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - | 2411010202 |
N HIGHLAND AVE / E BROADWAY BLVD | 11-01 | 0124 | Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - | 2411010010 | |
E 7TH ST & N MARTIN AV | 11-01 | 0049 | Loud Party | E243060050 |
About this listing | W = web-online reported | Crime Incident |
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org |