Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Rancho Bueno Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-30  2026  Person With A Weapon 2411300159
5400 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-30  1025  Argument E243350373
2500 BLK E KNIGHTSBRIDGE DR   11-29  1532  Dv Brewing 2411290139
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-28  1751  Unwanted Person/Trespasser 2411280122
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-27  1610  Dv In Progress 2411270162
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-27  0548  Dv Brewing E243320170
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-26  2058  Theft In Progress E243311330
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-26  1558  Health Welfare Morals 2411270089
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-26  1553  Property Theft E243310883
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-26  0134  Non-Verified Alarm E243310055
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-24  1945  Dv In Progress E243291032
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-24  1840  Dv Parties Separated E243290972
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-24  1522  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243290754
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-24  1012  Gta Located/Returned E243290407
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-24  0957  Dv Brewing 2411240054
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-24  0117  Missing Person E243290078
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-24  0031  Non-Verified Alarm E243290039
2600 BLK E BENSON HY   11-23  1444  Non-Verified Alarm E243280725
5000 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-22  0301  Mva - High Risk Mech: Vs Immo 2411220019
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-21  1804  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243261000
2500 BLK E KNIGHTSBRIDGE DR   11-20  1557  Threats E243250918
5400 BLK S CROWN JEWEL DR   11-20  1524  Assault Callback E243250898
2900 BLK E DREXEL RD   11-20  1437  Other Agency Atl E243250823
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-20  1021  Fraud/Property Callback E243250440
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-19  0158  Unknown Trouble 2411190015
5400 BLK S CROWN JEWEL DR   11-18  1728  Preserve The Peace E243230942
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-17  0122  Non-Verified Alarm E243220117
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-16  1914  Od/Poison. - Unc Od Or Altere E243211029
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-16  1734  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243210888
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-16  0120  Non-Verified Alarm E243210061
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-16  0117  Prowler E243210059
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-15  0338  Non-Verified Alarm E243200108
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-13  2354  Non-Verified Alarm E243181380
2500 BLK E CAMBRIDGE RING DR   11-13  1717  Dv Parties Separated E243180999
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-13  0716  311 Atl Requests E243180201
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-13  0056  Non-Verified Alarm E243180033
2700 BLK E BENSON HY   11-12  1150  Request For 311 City Services E243170599
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-12  0501  Non-Verified Alarm E243170114
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-11  1723  Missing Person E243161109
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-11  1723  311 Atl Requests E243161110
2600 BLK E WALNUT ST   11-09  2342  Loud Party E243141383
2600 BLK E WALNUT ST   11-09  2307  Loud Party E243141330
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-09  2209  Loud Party E243141267
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-09  1236  Followup Callback E243140627
5300 BLK S ROYAL RICHMOND DR   11-08  2323  Loud Party E243131412
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-08  1718  Harassment 2411090031
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-08  1411  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243130699
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-07  0544  Non-Verified Alarm E243120113
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-06  0220  Non-Verified Alarm E243110103
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-04  2328  Non-Verified Alarm E243091458
5600 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   11-04  2323  Dv Parties Separated E243091452
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-04  1325  Dv Brewing E243090711
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   11-02  2359  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243071378
5300 BLK S ROYAL RICHMOND DR   11-01  2357  Loud Party E243061578
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   11-01  0241  Non-Verified Alarm E243060127
2700 BLK E PORTOBELLO DR   10-31  1418  Neighbor Problem E243050774
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   10-30  2045  Request For 311 City Services E243041314
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   10-30  0408  Non-Verified Alarm E243040102
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-28  2342  Check Welfare E243021399
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-26  2220  Unknown Trouble E243001381
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-26  1634  311 Atl Requests E243000929
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-26  1632  Missing Person E243000927
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   10-26  1208  Property Theft E243000610
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-26  0009  Request For 311 City Services E243000012
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-26  0006  Missing Person E243000007
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   10-23  1459  Hold Up/Robbery Alarm E242970844
5000 BLK S COUNTRY CLUB RD   10-21  2334  Non-Verified Alarm E242951379
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   10-21  0235  Non-Verified Alarm E242950090
2500 BLK E WARWICK CASTLE LN   10-20  1334  Unknown Trouble E242940601
3000 BLK E BENSON HY   10-20  0219  Non-Verified Alarm E242940122
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-19  2320  Likely Patient On Scene 2410190180
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-19  1337  Dv In Progress 2410190090
5300 BLK S CHISWICK LN   10-19  0743  Illegal Parking E242930288
2900 BLK E IRVINGTON RD   10-19  0659  Non-Verified Alarm E242930257
5500 BLK S FORGEUS AV   10-18  0846  311 Atl Requests E242920316

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org