Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

North Dodge Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
N PALO VERDE AV & E GLENN ST   11-30  2220  Bicycle Traffic E243351191
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-30  1623  Person Slumped Over 2411300115
3500 BLK E GLENN ST   11-30  0620  Dv Brewing 2411300040
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-30  0214  Field Interview E243350114
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-29  1756  Narcotics Possession E243340991
3500 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-29  1707  Dv Brewing 2411300003
3700 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-29  1317  Vandalism 2411290111
3600 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-29  1253  Preserve The Peace E243340601
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-28  2208  Fight In Progress E243331036
E FORT LOWELL RD / N ALVERNON WAY   11-28  1702  Mva - Injury Accident: Injury Driving Under The Influence - Property Damage On 2411280117
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-28  1653  Unknown Injuries E243330710
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-27  1909  Assault-Just Occurred 2411270179
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-27  1902  Narcotics Possession E243321137
3700 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD   11-27  1643  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243320979
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-27  0936  Accident Callback E243320370
N ALVERNON WY & E FORT LOWELL RD   11-27  0936  Accident Callback E243320371
3600 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-26  2344  Preserve The Peace E243311500
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-26  2153  Special Check Activity E243311386
3600 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-26  1541  Preserve The Peace E243310866
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-26  1012  Unwanted Person/Trespasser 2411260090
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-26  0847  Traffic Hazard E243310293
3600 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-26  0447  Dv Brewing E243310132
2900 BLK N DODGE BL   11-25  2142  911 Open Line From A Landline E243301377
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-25  2011  Request For 311 City Services E243301297
E FORT LOWELL RD / N ALVERNON WAY   11-25  2001  Mva - High Risk Mech: Vs Immo Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2411250235
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-25  2001  Mva - High Risk Mech: Vs Immo E243301288
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-25  1747  Request For 311 City Services E243301126
2900 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-25  1414  Narcotics Possession E243300796
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-25  1321  Request For 311 City Services E243300721
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-25  1318  Request For 311 City Services E243300720
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-25  1253  Mva - High Risk Mech: Vs Immo 2411250144
3700 BLK EAST MONTE VISTA DRIVE   11-25  1214  Neighborhood Preservation/Jun Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2411250127
3700 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-25  1032  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243300468
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-25  0956  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243300417
E MONTE VISTA DR & N ALVERNON WY   11-25  0110  Bicycle Traffic E243300056
3800 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD   11-24  2034  Suspicious Activity E243291086
2900 BLK NORTH DODGE BOULEVARD   11-24  1652  Disorderly Conduct - Other (Trespassing) 2411240124
N RICHEY BL & E FORT LOWELL RD   11-24  1629  Suspicious Activity E243290831
3000 BLK N WINSTEL BL   11-24  1343  Argument 2411240112
3700 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-24  0853  Neighborhood Preservation/Jun E243290330
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-24  0832  Narcotics Possession E243290316
3700 BLK E GLENN ST   11-23  1116  Suspicious Activity E243280477
3700 BLK EAST PRESIDIO ROAD   11-22  2332  Aggravated Assault - Peace Officer (Non-Serious 2411220263
3700 BLK EAST PRESIDIO ROAD   11-22  2227  Unknown Trouble Aggravated Assault - Peace Officer (Non-Serious 2411220259
3700 BLK E PRESIDIO RD   11-22  2221  Argument E243271321
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-22  2203  Suicidal With A Weapon E243271303
3100 BLK NORTH WINSTEL BOULEVARD   11-22  1714  Narcotics Possession Arrest For Other Jurisdiction - Felony Warrant 2411220231
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-22  1639  311 Atl Requests E243270862
N ALVERNON WAY / E FORT LOWELL RD   11-22  1638  Accident Callback Traffic Accident Property Damage - With Another 2411270047
3700 BLK EAST MONTE VISTA DRIVE   11-22  1250  Unwanted Person/Trespasser Criminal Damage - Intentional Vandalism 2411220153
3800 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD   11-22  1236  Burglary E243270515
N DESERT STONE PL & E PRESIDIO RD   11-22  1135  Request For 311 City Services E243270436
E MONTE VISTA DR & N WINSTEL BL   11-22  1126  Shots Heard E243270424
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-20  2258  Narcotics Possession E243251397
3800 BLK E PRESIDIO RD   11-20  2044  Unknown Trouble E243251278
3100 BLK NORTH ALVERNON WAY   11-20  1542  Armed Robbery Or By Force Disorderly Conduct - Disturbing The Peace 2411200157
3100 BLK NORTH ALVERNON WAY   11-20  1530  Check Welfare Public Assist - Check Welfare 2411200164
3700 BLK E GLENN ST   11-20  1023  Harassment E243250444
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-20  0419  Check Welfare E243250104
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-19  1932  Burglary-Interior Not Checked 2411190217
3700 BLK E GLENN ST   11-19  1553  Unknown Trouble E243240867
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-19  0823  Mental Health Unit E243240294
3100 BLK NORTH ALVERNON WAY   11-19  0714  Mental Health Unit Mental Health - Transported To Treatment Facilit 2411190033
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-19  0415  Prowler E243240109
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-19  0130  Dv Parties Separated E243240035
3800 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD   11-18  1813  Suspicious Activity E243230994
3600 BLK E BLACKLIDGE DR   11-17  2046  Racing Vehicles E243221067
E BLACKLIDGE DR / N PALO VERDE AVE   11-17  1826  Mva - Injury Accident: Injury Traffic Accident Property Damage - With Another 2411170134
3800 BLK EAST FORT LOWELL ROAD   11-17  1819  Suicidal With A Weapon Mental Case - Other 2411170171
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-17  1256  Flag Down E243220569
3800 BLK EAST FORT LOWELL ROAD   11-17  1222  Public Assist Disorderly Conduct - Other (Trespassing Dv) 2411170076
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-17  1147  Unknown Trouble E243220496
N PALO VERDE AV & E FORT LOWELL RD   11-17  0518  Bicycle Traffic E243220246
3800 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD   11-17  0211  Suspicious Activity E243220154
3500 BLK EAST GLENN STREET   11-16  2333  Likely Patient On Scene Other Assaults - No Injury (Dv) 2411160171
N PALO VERDE AV & E GLENN ST   11-16  2332  Unknown Trouble E243211343
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-16  1050  Bicycle Traffic E243210431
3100 BLK NORTH ALVERNON WAY   11-16  0654 W On sight Other Offenses - Other Misdemeanors 2411168502
3000 BLK N RICHEY BL   11-15  1520  Check Welfare E243200849
3500 BLK EAST MONTE VISTA DRIVE   11-15  1308  Court Order Violation/Service Other Misdemeanors - (Dv) 2411150136
2900 BLK NORTH DODGE BOULEVARD   11-15  1158  Assault Victim Other Assaults - No Injury 2411150139
2800 BLK N PALO VERDE AV   11-15  1044  Suspicious Activity E243200453
E FORT LOWELL RD & N ALVERNON WY   11-15  0946  Special Check Activity E243200368
3800 BLK EAST GLENN STREET   11-14  1111  Burglary Burglary - No Force 2411140106
3800 BLK E PRESIDIO RD   11-14  0017  Od/Poison - Intentional Overd E243190007
3100 BLK N DODGE BL   11-13  1838  Illegal Parking E243181091
E FORT LOWELL RD & N CHAPEL AV   11-13  1630  Argument E243180947
3500 BLK EAST MONTE VISTA DRIVE   11-12  0847  Burglary Larceny - From Residence 2411120052
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-11  1907  Suspicious Activity E243161239
3800 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD   11-11  1705  Argument E243161085
3500 BLK EAST MONTE VISTA DRIVE   11-11  1202  Dv Brewing Assault - Minor Injury (Dv) 2411120038
3500 BLK E FORT LOWELL RD   11-11  1142  Duress/Panic Alarm E243160628
3100 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-11  1009  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243160483
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-11  0826  Unknown Trouble E243160339
E FORT LOWELL RD & N WINSTEL BL   11-11  0301  Agency Assist E243160118
3000 BLK N ALVERNON WY   11-10  1925  Shots Heard E243150949
3800 BLK EAST MONTE VISTA DRIVE   11-10  1127  Person With A Weapon Aggravated Assault - Other 2411100094
3600 BLK E BLACKLIDGE DR   11-10  0907  Harassment E243150328
3500 BLK E BLACKLIDGE DR   11-09  0040  Dv Parties Separated E243140033
3800 BLK E MONTE VISTA DR   11-09  0024  Neighbor Problem E243140024

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org