Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Mortimore Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
5300 BLK S MADISON SV   11-30  1310  Neighborhood Preservation/Jun E243350552
5600 BLK S ALVERNON WY   11-29  0356  Check Welfare E243340205
3700 BLK E FRANKFORT SV   11-28  0650  Non-Verified Alarm E243330192
3800 BLK E CONCORD SV   11-28  0423  Fight In Progress 2411280026
5300 BLK S MADISON SV   11-27  1107  Neighborhood Preservation/Jun E243320494
5600 BLK S ALVERNON WY   11-26  1753  Theft Callback E243311064
3500 BLK E FELIX BL   11-20  0757  Check Welfare E243250260
3800 BLK E NEBRASKA SV   11-19  1535  Suspicious Activity E243240845
5600 BLK S ALVERNON WY   11-16  0258  Check Welfare E243210135
S ALVERNON WY & E DREXEL RD   11-15  1654  Mva - High Risk Mech: Vs Immo E243200994
3600 BLK EAST HELENA STRAVENUE   11-14  0721  Frauds - Confidence Game 2411140033
5600 BLK SOUTH ALVERNON WAY   11-09  0958  Property Theft Larceny - Shoplifting 2411100058
5600 BLK S ALVERNON WY   11-09  0049  Property Theft E243140036
5300 BLK S MADISON SV   11-08  1440  Neighborhood Preservation/Jun E243130749
3600 BLK E DREXEL MANOR SV   11-05  2114  Od/Poison - Intentional Overd E243101264
3600 BLK EAST DREXEL MANOR STRAVENUE   11-04  1529  Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned Traffic Accident Property Damage - With Another 2411040170
5600 BLK S ALVERNON WY   10-26  1714  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243000970
3500 BLK E FELIX BL   10-24  1022  Theft Callback E242980495
3700 BLK E FRANKFORT SV   10-22  1033  Accident Callback E242960434
3700 BLK E FELIX BLVD   10-21  1341  Abuse/Neglect Offenses Against The Family - Physical Abuse 2410210132
3600 BLK E DREXEL MANOR SV   10-19  1245  Preserve The Peace E242930570
3700 BLK E DREXEL MANOR SV   10-18  0946  Non-Verified Alarm E242920395

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org