Updated: Thursday September 19, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Desert Aire/Loma Linda Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
5200 BLK E 18TH ST   09-17  1839  Neighbor Problem 2409170216
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   09-15  0825  City Park Patrol E242590314
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   09-13  0824  Threats E242570292
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   09-11  0941  Unknown Trouble E242550431
5300 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   09-10  1741 W On sight Larceny - All Other 2409108540
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   09-07  0919  City Park Patrol E242510360
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   09-06  1543  Health Welfare Morals E242500902
5300 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   09-04  1149  Assault - Minor Injury 2409040088
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   09-03  0932  City Park Patrol E242470355
5400 BLK E 18TH ST   09-01  0659  Narcotics Found Found - Property 2409010090
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   08-27  1605  911 Open Line From A Landline E242400947
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   08-26  1044  City Park Patrol E242390498
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   08-25  1208  City Park Patrol E242380579
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   08-23  0717  Special Check Activity E242360211
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   08-20  1431  Assault Callback E242330863
5300 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   08-20  0018  Threats Juvenile Violations - Health Welfare & Morals 2408200071
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   08-19  1049  Threats E242320543
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   08-19  0916  City Park Patrol E242320407
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   08-17  0702  City Park Patrol E242300275
5300 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   08-17  0024 W On sight Offenses Against The Family - Custodial Interfer 2408178501
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   08-16  1447  School Event E242290812
5200 BLK E 18TH ST   08-16  1411  Fraud/Property Callback E242290765
5300 BLK E 16TH ST   08-15  1640  Missing Person Vulnerable E242281011
5200 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   08-15  1402  Suspicious Activity Suspicious Activity - Person 2408150120
5300 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   08-13  1517  Public Assist Assault - Minor Injury 2408130172
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   08-13  0927  City Park Patrol E242260433
5300 BLK E 18TH ST   08-05  1130  City Park Patrol E242180597

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org