Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Catalina Vista Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
N TUCSON BL & E GRANT RD   11-30  0012  311 Atl Requests E243350020
N TUCSON BL & E GRANT RD   11-30  0008  Wrong Way Traffic 2411300010
E GRANT RD & N TUCSON BL   11-27  1303  311 Atl Requests E243320665
E GRANT RD & N TUCSON BL   11-27  1302  Check Welfare E243320664
2200 BLK E GRANT RD   11-26  1952  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E243311249
2300 BLK N CAMPBELL AV   11-25  2134  Non-Verified Alarm E243301368
E GRANT RD & N PLUMER AV   11-25  0519  Bicycle Traffic E243300143
N TUCSON BL & E GRANT RD   11-23  1835  Traffic Hazard E243281016
2400 BLK E GRANT RD   11-23  1234  Check Welfare E243280579
0 N SIERRA VISTA DR   11-22  1938  Suicidal Subject - Transfer T E243271153
2000 BLK E HAMPTON ST   11-21  1121  Non-Verified Alarm E243260449
2400 BLK EAST GRANT ROAD   11-20  1743  Unwanted Person/Trespasser Disorderly Conduct - Other (Trespassing) 2411200191
E GRANT RD & N TUCSON BL   11-20  1313  Reckless Driving E243250689
E GRANT RD & N TUCSON BL   11-20  1313  311 Atl Requests E243250690
N TUCSON BL & E GRANT RD   11-20  0904  311 Atl Requests E243250340
N TUCSON BL & E GRANT RD   11-20  0904  Reckless Driving E243250339
2300 BLK EAST WAVERLY STREET   11-15  0809  Property Theft Burglary - Force 2411150121
E GRANT RD & N TUCSON BL   11-13  1238  311 Atl Requests E243180610
2400 BLK E GRANT RD   11-09  2008  Assault Callback E243141125
E GRANT RD & N PLUMER AV   11-09  1028  311 Atl Requests E243140440
E GRANT RD & N PLUMER AV   11-09  1028  Reckless Driving E243140439
E GRANT RD & N TUCSON BL   11-07  0721  311 Atl Requests E243120178
E GRANT RD & N TUCSON BL   11-07  0721  Reckless Driving E243120177
2000 BLK E HAMPTON ST   11-06  0902  City Park Patrol E243110354
2300 BLK N CAMPBELL AV   11-04  2204  Non-Verified Alarm E243091384
N NORRIS AV & E GRANT RD   11-03  0057  311 Atl Requests E243080071
N NORRIS AV & E GRANT RD   11-03  0057  Reckless Driving E243080070
2300 BLK N CAMPBELL AV   11-02  2155  Non-Verified Alarm E243071217
2400 BLK EAST GRANT ROAD   10-31  1007 W On sight Larceny - Shoplifting 2410318508
2300 BLK N CAMPBELL AV   10-30  2208  Non-Verified Alarm E243041398
E HAMPTON ST & N NORRIS AV   10-30  1148  Other Agency Atl E243040562
2100 BLK E EDISON ST   10-28  0634  Duress/Panic Alarm E243020188
2100 BLK N NORTON AV   10-25  1037  311 Atl Requests E242990453
2300 BLK N CAMPBELL AV   10-22  2147  Non-Verified Alarm E242961343
2300 BLK EAST GRANT ROAD   10-22  1325 W On sight Other Offenses - Other Misdemeanors 2410228523
2300 BLK E GRANT RD   10-21  1447  Neighbor Problem E242950781
2300 BLK N CAMPBELL AV   10-20  1735  Suspicious Activity E242940855

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org