Updated: Sunday December 1, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Brichta Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
2000 BLK WEST BRICHTA DRIVE   11-26  1259 W On sight Other Offenses - Other Misdemeanors 2411268525
W SADDLE HILLS DR & N OLD PUEBLO DR   11-22  1050  Argument E243270393
1600 BLK N OLD PUEBLO CI   11-18  1857  911 Open Line From A Landline E243231049
2200 BLK W WINDOW ROCK DR   11-17  2202  Health Welfare Morals E243221126
2000 BLK W SADDLE HILLS DR   11-17  2032  Dv Brewing E243221058
1600 BLK N OLD RANCH RD   11-16  0300  Video/Audio Alarm E243210137
1600 BLK N SILVERBELL RD   11-05  1340  Theft Callback E243100661
1600 BLK NORTH SILVERBELL ROAD   11-05  1340  Civil Matter - Preserve The Peace 2411180038
1600 BLK NORTH SILVERBELL ROAD   10-30  1523  Mental Health Petition Servic Mental Health - Transported To Treatment Facilit 2410300183
1600 BLK N SILVERBELL RD   10-29  2059  Missing Person E243031291
1600 BLK N SILVERBELL RD   10-29  2059  311 Atl Requests E243031292
1600 BLK N SILVERBELL RD   10-29  0724  Argument E243030225
1600 BLK NORTH SILVERBELL ROAD   10-22  1902  Fight In Progress Other Assaults - No Injury 2410220235
1600 BLK NORTH OLD PUEBLO CIRCLE   10-19  1350  Dv In Progress Disorderly Conduct - Disturbing The Peace (Dv) 2410190088
2000 BLK W BRICHTA DR   10-17  1323  Suspicious Activity E242910739

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org