Updated: Sunday November 10, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Armory Park Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-09  1947  City Park Patrol E243141103
700 BLK S 4TH AV   11-09  1709  Suspicious Activity 2411090134
100 BLK S 4TH AV   11-09  1653  Check Welfare E243140915
E 18TH ST & S BEAN AV   11-09  1416  Suspicious Activity E243140762
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-09  1100  Special Check Activity E243140482
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-09  0957  City Park Patrol E243140401
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-08  2045  Suspicious Activity E243131280
E 12TH ST & S 3RD AV   11-08  2003  Person Slumped Over 2411080219
200 BLK E 13TH ST   11-08  1624  Assault-Just Occurred 2411080186
200 BLK E 13TH ST   11-08  1432  Followup Callback E243130736
200 BLK E 13TH ST   11-08  1425  911 Open Line From A Landline E243130718
S STONE AV & W CUSHING ST   11-08  1321  Check Welfare E243130630
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-06  1109  Special Check Activity E243110555
0 E BROADWAY BL   11-06  0901  Check Welfare E243110352
200 BLK E 12TH ST   11-05  1944  Suspicious Activity E243101164
0 EAST 13TH STREET   11-05  1642  Burglary - No Force 2411050151
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-04  2323  City Park Patrol E243091453
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-04  1821  Special Check Activity E243091115
0 EAST BROADWAY BOULEVARD   11-04  1713  Grand Theft Auto Motor Vehicle Theft - Stolen And/Or Recovered Ve 2411040174
0 E BROADWAY BL   11-04  1713  311 Atl Requests E243091018
200 BLK E 13TH ST   11-04  0802  Special Check Activity E243090259
S STONE AV & E 17TH ST   11-04  0535  Cardiac Arrest - Unc And Not E243090129
S STONE AV & E 17TH ST   11-04  0535  Request For Police 2411040020
S 5TH AV & E 17TH ST   11-03  2330  Loud Party E243081219
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-03  2251  City Park Patrol E243081185
S HERBERT AV & E BROADWAY BL   11-03  1549  Mva - High Risk Mech: Vs Immo E243080766
200 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   11-03  1459 W On sight Offenses Against The Family - Custodial Interfer 2411038512
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-03  1301  Special Check Activity E243080600
200 BLK E 13TH ST   11-03  0853  Special Check Activity E243080342
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-03  0826  City Park Patrol E243080321
200 BLK E 12TH ST   11-03  0307  Check Welfare E243080170
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-02  2013  City Park Patrol E243071104
200 BLK S 5TH AV   11-02  1243  Vandalism E243070561
S 6TH AV & E 13TH ST   11-02  1206  Person Slumped Over E243070522
700 BLK S 5TH AV   11-01  0811  Request For 311 City Services E243060319
700 BLK S 5TH AV   11-01  0811  Grand Theft Auto E243060318
200 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   10-31  1331  Narcotic Drug Laws - Possession 2410310130
200 BLK S SCOTT AV   10-31  0415  Non-Verified Alarm E243050126
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-30  2250  City Park Patrol E243041438
300 BLK EAST 15TH STREET   10-30  1815  Fraud/Property Callback Frauds - Other 2410310045
S 3RD AVE / E 13TH ST   10-30  1611  Found - Property 2410300142
100 BLK S SCOTT AV   10-29  2336  Non-Verified Alarm E243031427
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-29  2020  City Park Patrol E243031253
S 6TH AV & E BROADWAY BL   10-29  2010  Traffic Hazard E243031244
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-29  1925  Special Check Activity E243031183
100 BLK S 5TH AV   10-29  1641  Check Welfare E243030962
S 4TH AV & E 12TH ST   10-29  1559  Neighborhood Preservation/Jun E243030901
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-29  0954  Special Check Activity E243030438
S 6TH AV & E BROADWAY BL   10-29  0948  Traffic Hazard E243030426
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-29  0759  Flag Down E243030258
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-28  1943  Special Check Activity E243021175
S 4TH AV & E 13TH ST   10-28  1837  Evidence E243021094
700 BLK S STONE AV   10-28  1642  Found Person Vulnerable E243020937
W OCHOA ST & S STONE AV   10-28  1321  Special Check Activity E243020672
700 BLK SOUTH STONE AVENUE   10-28  1234  Missing Person Vulnerable Public Assist - Check Welfare 2410280136
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-28  0607  City Park Patrol E243020169
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-28  0027  City Park Patrol E243020015
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-27  1344  City Park Patrol E243010693
400 BLK E 18TH ST   10-27  1225  Cardiac Arrest - Unc And Not E243010613
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-27  0908  City Park Patrol E243010433
S 4TH AV & E 13TH ST   10-27  0256  Crime Scene Unit Event E243010217
0 E BROADWAY BL   10-27  0236  Fight In Progress E243010170
300 BLK E 17TH ST   10-26  1546  Check Welfare E243000858
E BROADWAY BL & S HERBERT AV   10-26  1419  Argument 2410260098
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-26  1149  City Park Patrol E243000583
0 E BROADWAY BL   10-26  0853  Check Welfare E243000368
300 BLK S RAILROAD AV   10-26  0832  Suspicious Activity E243000345
400 BLK E 18TH ST   10-26  0400  Dv In Progress E243000193
100 BLK E BROADWAY BL   10-26  0350  Assault-Just Occurred E243000189
400 BLK SOUTH STONE AVENUE   10-26  0316  Fight In Progress Assault - Minor Injury 2410260025
600 BLK SOUTH 4TH AVENUE   10-26  0001  Shooting/Stabbing Victim At H Aggravated Assault - Other 2410260001
600 BLK S 4TH AV   10-26  0001  Crime Scene Unit Event E243000069
E MCCORMICK ST & S STONE AV   10-25  2232  Request For 311 City Services E242991419
E MCCORMICK ST & S STONE AV   10-25  2230  Grand Theft Auto E242991418
S 6TH AV & E BROADWAY BL   10-25  2229  Flag Down E242991415
700 BLK S 6TH AV   10-25  2054  Racing Vehicles E242991313
100 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   10-25  1654 W On sight Disorderly Conduct - Other (Trespassing) 2410258545
200 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   10-25  1302  Criminal Damage - Intentional Vandalism 2410250111
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-25  1036  Special Check Activity E242990452
700 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   10-25  1026  Check Welfare Public Assist - Check Welfare 2410250085
100 BLK S STONE AV   10-24  1335  Od/Poison - Intentional Overd E242980776
0 E OCHOA ST   10-24  1218  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E242980659
700 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   10-24  0905  Unwanted Person/Trespasser Disorderly Conduct - Other (Trespassing) 2410240077
S SCOTT AVE / E 13TH ST   10-24  0901  Narcotic Drug Laws - Possession 2410240065
100 BLK E 12TH ST   10-24  0024  City Park Patrol E242980029
E 12TH ST / 6TH AVE   10-23  2013  Illegal Parking Traffic & Motor Vehicles Laws - Parking Violatio 2410230206
E BROADWAY BLVD / S SCOTT AVE   10-23  1127  Government Vehicle/Property Traffic Accident Property Damage - With Another 2410230093
0 E JACKSON ST   10-23  1100  Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned E242970508
0 EAST BROADWAY BOULEVARD   10-23  0724 W On sight Criminal Damage - Intentional Vandalism 2410238504
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-22  2325  City Park Patrol E242961460
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-22  2310  Special Check Activity E242961447
300 BLK E 14TH ST   10-22  2126  Illegal Parking E242961320
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-22  1834  City Park Patrol E242961088
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-22  0808  City Park Patrol E242960245
100 BLK E BROADWAY BL   10-22  0236  Check Welfare E242960071
700 BLK S STONE AV   10-22  0203  Non-Verified Alarm E242960061
800 BLK S 2ND AV   10-21  2152  Explosion E242951289
200 BLK S 5TH AV   10-21  1709  Special Check Activity E242950993
E JACKSON ST & S STONE AV   10-21  1321  Traffic Hazard E242950679
100 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   10-21  1254  Other Misdemeanors - (Dv) 2410210096

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org