Updated: Thursday February 13, 2025

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Armory Park Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
500 BLK S 6TH AV   02-12  2011  Dv In Progress 2502120186
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-12  1853  Aggravated Assault 2502120166
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-12  1411  Fight In Progress E250430760
200 BLK E 13TH ST   02-12  1242  Suspicious Activity 2502120176
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-11  1652  Missing Person Located/Return E250420959
E BROADWAY BL & S 6TH AV   02-11  1248  Request For 311 City Services E250420614
E BROADWAY BL & S 6TH AV   02-11  1243  Traffic Light Malfunction E250420608
700 BLK S 5TH AV   02-11  0823  Gta Located/Returned 2502110077
E BROADWAY BLVD / S SCOTT AVE   02-11  0807  Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned Miscellaneous - Officer 2502110056
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-10  1821  Special Check Activity E250411121
S 6TH AV & E BROADWAY BL   02-10  1821  Suspicious Activity E250411122
0 E OCHOA ST   02-09  2329  Video/Audio Alarm E250401174
0 E BROADWAY BL   02-09  2215  Check Welfare E250401098
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-09  1533  Special Check Activity E250400675
300 BLK S 6TH AV   02-09  1516  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250400655
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-09  1023  Special Check Activity E250400360
500 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   02-09  0931  Traffic Accident Property Damage - With Another 2502090048
800 BLK S 4TH AV   02-09  0045  Vehicle Blocking/Abandoned 2502090037
600 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   02-08  2322  Driving Under The Influence - Non-Accident 2502080159
600 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   02-08  2225  Fight In Progress Assault - Minor Injury 2502080155
E 12TH ST / 6TH AVE   02-07  2028  Liquor Laws - Minor In Possession 2502070217
E 12TH ST & S 6TH AV   02-07  1851  Accident W/Poss Impairment 2502070197
400 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   02-06  1343  Other Assaults - No Injury 2502060171
0 E BROADWAY BL   02-06  0500  Unknown Trouble E250370153
0 E OCHOA ST   02-05  2132  Video/Audio Alarm E250361309
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-05  2117  Shots Heard E250361288
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-05  1901  Fight In Progress E250361111
400 BLK S STONE AV   02-05  1819  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250361059
200 BLK E 12TH ST   02-05  1629  Suspicious Activity Callback E250360915
100 BLK S 6TH AV   02-05  1142  Found Property 2502050096
300 BLK S STONE AV   02-04  1716  Followup Callback E250350989
100 BLK EAST 16TH STREET   02-04  1454  Traffic Accident Property Damage - With Another 2502040076
S STONE AV & W CUSHING ST   02-04  1433  Road Rage 2502041205
S STONE AV & W CUSHING ST   02-04  1428  Road Rage E250350617
300 BLK SOUTH STONE AVENUE   02-03  2046  Property Theft Larceny - From Residence 2502030241
500 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   02-03  1943  Larceny - All Other 2502030204
S STONE AVE / S RUSSELL AVE   02-03  1933  Threat Callback Larceny - Motor Vehicle Parts/Accessories 2502100102
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-03  1801  City Park Patrol E250341091
300 BLK E 18TH ST   02-03  1727  Neighbor Problem E250341044
100 BLK S 4TH AV   02-03  1144  Check Welfare E250340544
0 W CUSHING ST   02-02  1627  Illegal Parking E250330824
0 W CUSHING ST   02-02  1522  Illegal Parking E250330736
S HERBERT AV & E 12TH ST   02-02  1101  Special Check Activity E250330443
100 BLK S STONE AV   02-01  2024  Duress/Panic Alarm 2502010158
200 BLK S 5TH AV   02-01  1853  City Park Patrol E250320901
700 BLK S 5TH AV   02-01  0859  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250320281
E BROADWAY BL & S 6TH AV   01-31  1419  Traffic Hazard E250310658
200 BLK S 6TH AV   01-31  1146  Court Order Callback E250310475
200 BLK E 12TH ST   01-30  2004  Suicidal Subject - Transfer T E250301245
400 BLK S STONE AV   01-30  1026  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250300399
400 BLK SOUTH STONE AVENUE   01-30  1023  Fight In Progress Other Assaults - No Injury 2501300058
S 6TH AV & E BROADWAY BL   01-29  1713  Traffic Light Malfunction E250290894
S 6TH AV & E BROADWAY BL   01-29  1713  Request For 311 City Services E250290896
100 BLK E BROADWAY BL   01-29  1639  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250290860
200 BLK S 5TH AV   01-28  1409  City Park Patrol E250280750
200 BLK EAST 13TH STREET   01-28  0942  Other Offenses - Other Misdemeanors 2501280075
200 BLK EAST 13TH STREET   01-28  0832  Disorderly Conduct - Disturbing The Peace 2501280064
100 BLK EAST BROADWAY BOULEVARD   01-27  0006  Property Theft Larceny - Bicycles 2501270007
200 BLK S 5TH AV   01-26  1413  City Park Patrol E250260641
500 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   01-26  0925  Arrest For Other Jurisdiction - Felony Warrant 2501260051
500 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   01-26  0826  Argument Assault - Minor Injury (Dv) 2501260048
0 E OCHOA ST   01-25  0107  Hold Up/Robbery Alarm E250250073
400 BLK SOUTH 3RD AVENUE   01-25  0047  Burglary In Progess Public Assist - Check Welfare 2501250011
0 E BROADWAY BL   01-24  1719  Threat 2501240156
400 BLK EAST LAOS STREET   01-23  1726  Vandalism Criminal Damage - Intentional Vandalism 2501230165
200 BLK S 5TH AV   01-23  1514  Flag Down E250230780
200 BLK S 5TH AV   01-22  1038  Theft Callback E250220449
700 BLK SOUTH STONE AVENUE   01-21  1021  Sex Offenses - Molesting 2501210058
100 BLK EAST 18TH STREET   01-20  1243  Grand Theft Auto Motor Vehicle Theft - Stolen And/Or Recovered Ve 2501200083
200 BLK E BROADWAY BL   01-19  2042  Check Welfare E250191119
300 BLK S 4TH AV   01-19  2018  Health Welfare Morals E250191094
500 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   01-19  1347  Grand Theft Auto Larceny - From Motor Vehicle (Except 05) 2501190092
800 BLK S 2ND AV   01-19  0917  Illegal Parking E250190339
S JACOBUS AV & E 18TH ST   01-19  0254  Suspicious Activity E250190137
E BROADWAY BLVD / S 5TH AVE   01-19  0209  Driving Under The Influence - Non-Accident 2501190025
S 5TH AVE / E BROADWAY BLVD   01-19  0103  Violations Of Traffic And Motor Vehicles Laws - 2501190012
E 18TH ST & S 3RD AV   01-17  1506  Fight In Progress E250170788
200 BLK S 6TH AV   01-17  1142  Public Assist 2501170086
300 BLK E 18TH ST   01-17  1041  Neighbor Problem E250170386
E OCHOA ST & S STONE AV   01-17  0221  Flag Down E250170089
S BEAN AV & E 17TH ST   01-16  2055  Check Welfare E250161224
6TH AVE / E 17TH ST   01-16  1126  Miscellaneous - Officer 2501160086
100 BLK SOUTH STONE AVENUE   01-16  1017  Request For Police Death - Unknown Cause 2501160071
700 BLK S 6TH AV   01-16  0903  Fight In Progress E250160289
200 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   01-16  0848  Narcotic Drug Laws - Possession 2501160042
S 6TH AV & E 17TH ST   01-15  1350  Traffic Hazard E250150693
300 BLK SOUTH STONE AVENUE   01-15  0800  Cardiac Arrest - Unc And Not Death - Unknown Cause 2501150034
200 BLK S 5TH AV   01-14  1947  Special Check Activity E250141174
500 BLK SOUTH RUSSELL AVENUE   01-14  1544  Other Offenses - Other Felonies 2501140156
W OCHOA ST & S STONE AV   01-14  1357  Special Check Activity E250140658
200 BLK S 5TH AV   01-14  1102  City Park Patrol E250140435
200 BLK S 5TH AV   01-14  0643  Unwanted Person/Trespasser E250140170
200 BLK E 13TH ST   01-13  1340  Special Check Activity E250130648
700 BLK S 6TH AV   01-13  1148  Assault Victim E250130498
700 BLK SOUTH 6TH AVENUE   01-13  1028  Property Theft Larceny - All Other 2501130090
0 E BROADWAY BL   01-12  2119  Od/Poison - Intentional Overd E250120961
200 BLK S 6TH AV   01-12  1506  City Park Patrol E250120620
200 BLK SOUTH 5TH AVENUE   01-12  1220  Threats Other Offenses - Other Misdemeanors 2501120079
E BROADWAY BL & S 6TH AV   01-12  0156  Flag Down E250120076
400 BLK EAST HISTORIC STREET   01-11  2334  Prowler Disorderly Conduct - Other (Trespassing) 2501110161

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org
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