Updated: Monday December 9, 2024

Tucson Police Events and Incidents

Up to 100 of the Most Recent Events and Incidents Sorted by Date & Time

Alvernon Heights Neighborhood

Location of Incident Date
Initiated As
Officer Cleared
Incident As
4200 BLK E 26TH ST   12-05  2018  Shots Heard E243401171
1800 BLK S IRVING AV   11-30  1155  Assault Victim E243350469
4000 BLK EAST 26TH STREET   11-29  1202  Burglary Larceny - Bicycles 2411290098
E 27TH ST / S IRVING AVE   11-22  1844  Weapons - Other 2411220229
1800 BLK S IRVING AV   11-18  2129  Dv In Progress E243231197
1800 BLK S IRVING AV   11-16  2013  Cardiac Arrest - Unc And Not E243211111
4000 BLK EAST 26TH STREET   11-14  0929 W On sight Larceny - Bicycles 2411148510
4100 BLK E SYLVANE DR   11-08  1313  Unknown Trouble E243130621
4000 BLK E SYLVANE DR   11-05  1153  Suspicious Activity E243100528
1700 BLK SOUTH COLUMBUS BOULEVARD   11-01  0726  Health Welfare Morals Juvenile Violations - Health Welfare & Morals 2411010160
3900 BLK EAST 27TH STREET   10-31  1858  Assault-Just Occurred Disorderly Conduct - Disturbing The Peace (Dv) 2410310187
3900 BLK EAST SYLVANE DRIVE   10-31  1836  Sex Offenses - Lewd & Lascivious Acts 2411010165

About this listing W = web-online reported Crime Incident
Software by Donald Ijams. Hosted by Harold Hallikainen, harold@w6iwi.org